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Great Impaling clips for attaching Acoustic Panels (703 /705 Board) to walls
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Great Impaling clips for attaching Acoustic Panels (703 /705 Board) to walls

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Great Impaling clips for attaching Acoustic Panels (703 /705 Board) to walls


Impaling clips are used to easily attach Acoustic Panels (703 /705 Board) to walls.  Each clip has 8 spikes that stick into the fiberglass panel backing and hold the panel in place.  The dimensions of the clips are 2-1/8" x 1-1/2".  The impaling clips are installed on the wall by either 1 drywall screw (not included) or attached with adhesive (Multi-Seal 180). 4-6 impaling clips are recommended per standard 2' x 4' panel making sure one impaling clip is placed in each corner.  For panel applications requiring an air gap, wood spacer blocks can be installed between the acoustic panel mounting hardware and the drywall to keep the panel spaced off of the wall.


Size: 1-1/2″ x 2″
Depth: 5/8″
Impaling Clip 8 prong with center hole Size: 1-1/2 in. x 2-1/8 in.
Composition: Extruded metal
Intended use: To be used in conjunction with construction adhesive when installing fiberglass acoustical panels.
Packing: Box of 100


1.   Determine the location of your panel and have one person hold it up in place while the other person makes a light mark on the wall to show all 4 corners.

2.   Attach 4 Impaling Clips approx 3" off each corner edge and an optional 2 more impaling clips 3" in  from the edge of the center of the panel. Acoustic panel mounting hardware should be screwed into the studs, so moving the clips a little to hit a stud is recommended.  If screwing into a stud is not possible, use a drywall anchor type screw to ensure a proper hold.

3.  For permanent placement, use adhesive on the wall to stick the back of the panel to the wall (adhesive such as Multi-Seal 180 is recommended).


Our offset impaler increases the sound absorption response of an acoustic panel simply and quickly by introducing a 2″ air space. The Impaler features a U-shaped design that elevates the panel from the mounting surface. The Offset Impaler creates a cavity behind the panel that can lower the effective frequency by as much as an octave. The acoustic panels are held in place using a series of sharp protruding darts that penetrate the panel. To secure the panel to the mounting clip, add a dab of adhesive between the impaler face and the back of the acoustic panel.


Easy installation

*Creates a 2″ air gap to increase panel absorption


*Size: 6-3/4″ x 2-1/4″ x 2″ depth (nominal)

*Material: 20 gauge galvanized steel

*Max load: 12 pounds


Our Privacy Pal Partition Clip is used in conjunction with back to back rigid acoustical panels in order to create a free-standing desktop acoustical partition. Custom 2″ thick panels are manufactured using 1″ fabric wrapped panels glued back to back. This creates a panel that has fabric on both sides. The panels are then inserted into the Privacy Pal Partition Clips to create the partition. You can use this system for a temporary or portable acoustic solution.

*The 90-degree partition clip is a good solution for a single desk.
*Use the 3-way partition clip to partition a desk into two separate areas.
*You can separate a larger area into 4 smaller areas with the 4-way partition clip.
*The clips are easy to assemble and may be paired with fabric wrapped acoustical panels in an array of colors and sizes.

Offices, Conference Rooms, Call Centers, HR Departments, Legal Departments and Medical Facilities.

*Create a temporary or portable desktop acoustical partition
*For use with 2″ thick fabric wrapped panels (Two 1″ thick panels glued back to back)
*Brushed stainless steel design
*Improve noisy work environments
*Greatly improves speech privacy
*Higher worker productivity
*Improved worker morale

Partition Size: Custom based on the requirements of the project.
Composition: Brushed stainless steel clips (Includes bolts, washers and hex nuts)

Privacy Pal Partition Clip Configurations:
HAWPRIVPAL-90: Creates a 90-degree corner
HAWPRIVPAL-T: Creates a 3-way divider
HAWPRIVPAL-X: Creates a 4-way divider

For use with the following products: Acoustic Panel, Anchorage Acoustic Panel, SoundSuede Acoustic Wall Panel, and Studio 54 Acoustic Panel

Field assemble clips using provided bolts, washers and hex nuts to complete the desired assembly. Insert acoustical panels as required to create the assembled partition.

*Note: When calculating panel sizes, remember to subtract 2″ from the full length of the panel.


Our VersiFoot Partition Stabilizer is an accessory which adds stability to our VersiFold, VersiPanel, or VersiPanel, Jr. acoustical partitions. It is fabricated from a 1.5″ x 0.25″ steel flat bar, with two solid vertical 3/8″ diameter bars welded to the base. Create “L” or “C” shapes easily with two or more VersiFoot stabilizers. For additional stability, there is a hole in the center of the flat steel bar. You can use this to secure the partition stabilizer to the floor.

Size: 18″ wide x 12″ high
Color: Black
Construction: 1.5″ x 0.25″ steel flat bar, with two solid vertical 3/8″ diameter bars welded to the base
Intended Use: adds stability to our VersiFold, VersiPanel, or VersiPanel Jr acoustical partitions.

Impaling Clips for Fiberglass Acoustic Panels (12-pack)

Impaling Clips measure 3"x4" and can be mounted to the wall using standard drywall screws (not included). They allow for quick and easy panel placement on most wall surfaces. Combine impaling clips and Auralex Tubetak Pro adhesive when mounting fiberglass panels on a ceiling.

Size: 3"x4" each

Quantity: 12 per box

Please Note: Impaling clips are recommended for mounting fiberglass acoustic panels only and will not work with Studiofoam products. All Fabric Acoustic Panels include 4 impaling clips per panel.

Large Impaling Clips M2, 3" x 4" x 3/4", 20 per pack

Impaling Clips simplify the installation of rigid fiberglass acoustic panels. Use screws to fasten the impaling clip to the surface, apply PolyFoam Adhesive on the clip and acoustic panel then press the fiberglass panel to the clip.

Dimensions: 3" W x 4" L x 3/4" H


DIY acoustic panel installation

Fiberglass acoustical panels


Push Down Impaler clips are used for fast and easy installation of acoustic panels to walls.  MetroFlex Push Down Impalers are made of galvanized steel and  contain two  angled prongs per clip (similar to the Bass Trap Impaling Brackets). The impaling clips are installed on the wall by either 1 drywall screw (not included) or attached with adhesive. 4  impaling clips are recommended per standard 2' x 4' panel making sure one impaling clip is placed in each corner.

Impaling Clip Hanger Features
Standard Impaling Clip
Included with all beveled and straight edged ProPanels
Allows quick installation
Wall applications only
Class A Fire Rating

Impaling Clip Hanger Specifications
Manufacturer: Surealong
Product: Impaling Clip Hanger
Category: Accessory
Size: 1.5" X 5"
Fire Rating: Class A


Bass Trap Impaling Brackets clips are used to easily attach Bass Trap Panels to corners of walls to cut off bass sound wave reverberation throughout the room.  For each Bass Trap, 4 Brackets must be used (2 Lefts and 2 Rights).  The brackets are precision cut on a 45 degree angle and can easily be screwed into the wall through die cut holes.  Sold in Sets of 2 (4 Lefts and 4 Rights).

Single-Pin Impaling Clips   (Perforated Base Insulation Hangers)


Acoustic Panel Hange
ProPanel installation
ELiTE Hanger

Sound Barrier

FR701 Acoustic Panel

Paintable Acoustic Panel

QS Acoustic Panel

QS Bass Trap

Duct and Pipe Lag

Reinforced Sound Barrier

Acoustic Panel Room Kit

Anchorage Acoustic Panel

Composite Foam

Flat Foam

Foam Bass Trap

FR701 Acoustic Ceiling Cloud

Linear Foam

Max Wedge Foam

Paintable Acoustic Ceiling Tile

Pro Acoustic Panel Room Kit

Pyramid Foam

QS Acoustic Ceiling Cloud

Studio 54 Acoustic Panel

Whisper Acoustic Panel

Wood Fiber Acoustic Ceiling Tile

Cotton Acoustic Panel

Polyester Acoustic Panels

Silicone Coated Sound Blanket

AcoustiWall Fabric Stretch System

Acoustic Panel Impaling Clips

Cangzhou Futong is a full-service sheet metal fabricator that uses lean manufacturing tools and focuses on continuous improvement to give you the best results. From traditional metal fabrication services to 3D laser welding and rapid prototyping,Cangzhou Futong is your one-stop-shop for sheet metal projects from conception to production.


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